Tuesday, December 28, 2010

An inapplicable dilemma (for the most part)

To be or not to be. Most times, that is never the question, is it?
We are.
For us lesser mortals, the pertinent question most often is how?.
How do we suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and yet live to hope for a better day? How can we bear the whips and scorns of time and yet hope to heal?
How to be?.. so that we then are what we want ourselves to be. That, my friends is the question.

Probably the last post of a good year, blogically speaking.


Sabhtarsha said...

@ganu.. IMHO - "How" is not important, but just that Hope is important.. that Hope makes you give the best answers to the Hows...

Ganesh Hegde said...

@Sabby - What you're saying and what I'm saying aren't mutually exclusive.