Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ein neue Papst

Rejoice all you Roman Catholics of the world,for you have a new pope.
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is Pope Benedict XVI.And he will lead you into the kingdom of God.
Im afraid for not long though.For he looks as though he may soon secure a permanent seat at the eternal security council,where Giovanni Paolo II will ask him "Et tu Papa??"Congrazie!!"".This "humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord"(dont know why he chose a vineyard over other places of work,free booze attracts one and all!!) is a known hardliner,which again puzzles me.Why would any one having any sense oppose change.Its probably out of the fear that they would then lose control over a people they have kept in the dark for ages.So God doesnt want women to enjoy their time in bed,haan (Hump not, when thy need is not a child)??Or he has an aversion to latex??Or pills for that matter??
How people still believe this stuff puzzles me.What also puzzles me is that Even after having so many names to choose from he ends up chosing Benedict.Was he so hard pressed for choice.It reminds me of a joke though.A drunkard is standing next to a manhole shouting "15,15,15......"So a guy comes up to him and asks him whats up.he says "go ahead,take a look".and as soon as the guy bends down to take a look this dude pushes him down and starts screaming "16,16,16..........!!!".
Hey Papa,im sorry,I hope my soul doesnt burn in hell for this.
May God bless you.Amen.


Ganesh Hegde said...

look dude,i know that religion(or rather,spiritualty) is essential for our world because for how much ever we may progress,we'll still remain bloody insecure souls.but then proclaiming people belonging to all other religions as heathen(kafir-if you like!!)is total b.s.
Why cant these guys guide people in their daily lives,and help them to find peace within themselves,and not put trust in a god we cannot possibly fathom.Is it because they need some of it themselves??

Salil said...

If the Papa could be decribed in these words, I wonder how Jayendra Saraswati would be treated? ;-)

Aditya Pethe said...

Hi Ganesh I think a staunch
orthodox pope was the last thing the world needed. well best of luck for the exams. I blog at